Sunday, April 10, 2011

Peanut caramel cake

Yesterday i made this cake (peanut caramel cake):

I found it on veganmisjonen her blog some weeks ago and i made it then and i loved it, so yesterday i wanted to make it again, but i had a problem that the recipe was removed from the blog (possibly it's in her book that i reccomend for everyone to buy!). Luckily i found an edited version on another blog (norwegian and english) so i could make it anyway! =D

I will add a translated version of the recipe here in case someone else wanna make it =p All the credits for this recipe goes to I recommend checking out more of her recipes as well since they are very yummy ^.^

Peanut-caramel cake:

The cakedough:
0,75 dl powdered sugar
1,5 dl sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt  
100 g vegan butter/margarine
4,5 dl flour (2,5 dl in first)
1 teaspooon baking powder
1 dl soymilk

Peanut caramel mix:
350 g peanutbutter (you can also make it yourself by adding normal peanuts in a blender or food processor or something till it becomes peanutbutter =p i did this =p it takes some minutes, so dont be impatient if it isnt creamy straight away =p)
1 dl syrup (i use the cheap one, but its supposed to be agave syrup xD)
1,5 dl water

1. Set the oven on 200°C
2. Mix powdered sugar, sugar and salt with (room temperatured) butter. Mix to a creamish thingy and add 2,5 dl flour.
3. When you got a crumbly dough consistency, you set away 1 dl of the dough that you will use later as topping of the cake.
4. Mix in baking powder, milk and the rest of the flour.
5. Oil/butter a (pie) shape (about 25 cm in diameter) and press in the dough. (You can also skip to oil it, i forgot lol xD) Put in the oven on 200°C in about 15 minutes.
6. While the cake is in oven you make the caramel mix: In a pan, mix water, syrup and peanut butter. Warm it carefully while you stir, you will see that the mix starts to become like soft caramel, and it will thicken and become darker. When it almost starts to boil, you remove it from the heat while you stir.
7. Take the cake out of the oven and press down the parts that grew larger than the other parts. Stir out the caramel mix on the cake and add the remaining dough on top of the caramel mix. Bake in oven for 15 minutes more on 200°C (till the topping is golden).

Tadaaaaa you got cake ^.^ 

Warning: Not good cake for you if you follow low-carbo diet XDDDD

Hope you enjoy ;D

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