Monday, December 26, 2011


Dunno what the word for it is in english, directly translated it's "cake men" which sounds kinda wrong xD Lets go for cookiemen or something instead since they are more cookie-like than kake-like =p In Norway it's normal to bake/eat these in december =p We often have to make several batches since they disappear pretty fast, which means they are yummy ;p

This recipe my mom got from someone on her work, and it's the best kakemenn recipe that i know =p

100 g melted margarine
2 dl milk
3 dl sugar
1 liter flour
1 teaspoon "hornsalt" (aka ammoniumhydrogenkarbonat NH4HCO3 which is kinda hard to find @_@ i once used baking soda instead since they dont really have hornsalt in supermarkets in Belgium, i think i used 2-3 teaspoons baking soda since hornsalt is stronger. Using baking soda does not give the same taste though, so now i brought hornsalt from Norway ^.^)

Mix all the ingredients, roll it pretty flat, like 0,3-0,5 cm with a rolling pin (for those lucky ones who have that, i miss it =s) and shape figures with a figure shaper or so if you want to (its possible without too xD). Bake them in the oven on 200°C for 6-8 minutes.

Mine dont look so cool since i was too lazy to shape them after finding out i couldnt roll/squeeze them flat with a spoon >.>

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