Sunday, October 30, 2011

In Norway again now

The 25th october i went back to Norway since i had a presentation to do in one of my classes. Unlucky me they changed the date of the presentation from the 1st november to the 26th december, and my group told me the 25th what to do =s So i had to read a bit on the plane. The travel went fine, and the presentation too except for me being too nervous and having blackout xD Now i have 2 hand-ins to work with to next week, cant wait to be done! Because of the presentations and the hand-ins i've not worked with the normal schoolwork so i have shitloads to catch up on now =s Hope i can do it, but my lack of motivation and concentration isn't really helping xD My exams are the 30th november and the 9th december so still a while luckily =)

I will stay in norway until the 14th december now, then i go back to Belgium to my lovely bf =p <3 Finally school-free then! =D Just gotta try and find a job then, hope it goes quick and that i will earn enough to pay houserent and food >.>

Hopefully my basil plant is still alive when i get back too @_@

Also i got half of this waiting for me (or 1/4, i dont mind if people there take a bit as long as i get some xD it's probably better if they eat most of it hehe)

Maybe not too smart of me to buy such a big one since normally it's gone within a week and my stomach gets ouchy and i feel all bad! @_@ It was in promotion on Lidl >.> xD

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pumpkin muffins/cake

I wanted to use the spare pumpkin i got to make pumpkin muffins, but when the dough was ready, i couldn't find muffin shapes, so i putted it in cake shape instead hehe.

I followed mostly this recipe on vegweb: Pumpkin Spice Raisin Muffins 
The idea for pumpkin puree i found here on Vegandads cool blog (i wanted to make this too but got too lazy xD) and i searched with ecosia on how to make pumpkin puree (but i was too lazy to do/remember what they said) =p

Well here is what i did:

1 dl whole wheat flour
0,5 dl sugar
About 0,5 teaspoon baking powder
About 0,25 teaspoon baking soda
About 0,5 teaspoon vanilla suger
About 0,25 teaspoon ginger
About 0,25 teaspoon nutmeg
About 0,5-1 teaspoon cinnamon (i just poured in hehe)
And you can also add cloves if you got, i dont have =(
About 0,5 teaspoon lemon juice
About 0,5 tablespoons vegetable oil
And then i have no idea how much pumpkin puree* i added, but i guess it was about 1 dl or so =p
And i also radded some raisins, i guess 0,25 - 0,5 dl xD

*First i cutted my remaining pumpkin (maybe 10x5 cm or so, i dont remember =p) in pieces and had them on a sheet in the oven on 200°C to try to make pumpkin puree. I think they were there for 20-30 minutes and i turned them once, then i putted them in a blender and blended them to a puree-like consistency. There's probably better ways to make it, but this worked more or less xD
For the cake i first added the dry ingredients and mixed, then the pumpkin puree, lemon juice and oil and mixed it, and last i added the raisins. Depending on your amount and liquidity of the pumpkin puree you may need more flour or liquid =p
Then i poured the mix into my beloved 13x13 cm cakeshape after a wild search for the cupcake shapes that i didnt find (so if you want cupcakes then do that hehe, should be like 2-4 cupcakes in this recipe @_@) and had it in the oven on about 200°C (i think, my oven is a bit evil on the temperatures so could be im wrong xD) for about 20 minutes =p

I managed to take a picture before i ate all as well hehe =)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kiwi cake

Here comes the kiwi cake! I don't remember exactly the ingredients, buts more or less like that =p

Again i use a 13 x 13 cm cakeshape, so multiply with 4 to get for a 20 x 30 cakeshape =p

0,5 dl wholewheat flour
0,5-1 dl white flour
0,5 dl sugar
0,5 dl oat meal
1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
0,5 - 1 teaspoon vanilla suger
Some salt
0,5 teaspoon vinegar
2 mashed ripe kiwis
1 tablespoon - 0,5 dl soymilk

Mix together the dry ingredients, then add the wet ingredients except the soymilk and mix well and add soymilk if needed and mix more. Then bake in oven on 175°C for 30 - 40 minutes.

The first time i used too much liquid xD And the way to find out if it was done or not was to taste a piece in the middle ;) Hehehe

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Carrot soup

With 2-3 kg carrots laying around, carrot soup seems like the natural thing to make, so i did =p

This time i was too lazy to look around for a recipe, but later while it was boiling i saw that veganmisjonen also had shared a (norwegian) recipe that is more or less the same as mine (i didnt read well through it, i just read its with carrot, onion, and some other ingredients hehehe reading through it now, i see we have like 8 ingredients in common, this is also where i got the idea of adding tumeric and ginger)

Well, here is my recipe:

0,5 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
About 4 carrots, chopped
0,5 - 1 celery stalk, chopped
1 handful chopped leek
1 potato, chopped (i had a spare boiled potato in the fridge, so i added mine along with the water)
0,25 - 0,5 papika/bell pepper (i used yellow one =D)
Vegetable oil
Stock cube
Salt and pepper
Tumeric and ginger powder (optional, i think maybe it's better without, depending on your taste xD)

First heat oil and stir onion, garlic, carrots, celery, potato, and bell pepper until it's nice and shiny xD Then add water until it's covered, leek and stock cube and let it simmer until it's tender. Let it cool down a bit, then blend it together in a blender or food processor. Put it back in the pan and add more water if needed (i needed a lot more water haha), and tumeric and ginger powder if you want that stuff in, and taste with salt and pepper, and let it heat up again before you serve/eat.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Kiwi icecream

The good thing about buying many of foods that are on sale is that i can experiment with new things to do with them. I dont want half of the food to turn rotten and end up in the trash, so instead when it turns very ripe, im like "oh shit, what am i gonna use it for?!?!!" followed by some hunting on the internet or in my cookbooks for recipes xD This way i ended up with making the broccoli-carrot-potato burgers, the pear cake, the kiwi cake, and the kiwi icecream =p

Here comes kiwi icecream!

1-2 frozen ripe bananas
1-2 ripe kiwis

Mix in food processor until nice consistency and enjoy hehehe

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pear cake

I wanted to make kiwi-pearcake (since i needed to get rid of kiwis and pear, which reminds me i should have added carrot to it aswell along with some boiled potatoes and bell peppers hehhehe), but by the time i got the pear in the dough, i relized that no way i was gonna get some kiwis into it without it turning into soupy-cake (or me needing to add more flour that might result in the dough overflowing xD). So i can try making kiwi cake tomorrow instead to use the kiwis xD (i actually made kiwi cake some days ago but i was too lazy to post the recipe yet, but it's more or less the same as pear cake and vanilla cupcakes :>)

So ye, the source of this recipe was the kiwi cake that i didn't post yet which i based on my favorite vanilla cupcakes =p

Ps: recipe is based on a very small cakeshape! My cakeshape is 13x13 cm (since i'm the only one eating cakes here i had to reduce a bit xD) so if you make for a normal 20x30 cake pan, then multiply recipe with 4 or so =p

0,5 dl wholewheat flour
0,5-1 dl white flour
0,5 dl sugar
0,5 dl oat meal
1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla suger
0,5 - 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Some salt
1/2 teaspoon vinegar
1 mashed ripe pear
And if the dough is too liquid or too dry add whatever is lacking hehehe, my pear was extremely liquid so i added more flour!

Mix the dry ingredients together and add the mashed pear and the vinegar and mix together to a nice dough. Pour into a cakeshape of about 13x13 cm and bake in oven on 175°C for 30 mintues.

It's possible i used too much baking powder and baking soda since it raised a lot, but it was still very yummy! =D Taste kinda like a sweet cinnamon bread (if that exists xD)

Maybe i should let some other pears get overripe too ;p Hehehe

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Broccoli-potato-carrot burgers

I've been having a lot of broccoli that i had problems getting rid of lately (actually it was 1 big broccoli xD), and since i also bought 2 kg carrots today (on top of the 1 kg i already have) and had some leftover boiled potatoes in the fridge, i decided to try to make broccoli-potato-carrot burgers =p And they turned out great! (except for that the first batch was too soft since i didnt use maizenna in them, more flour might have been able to fix it aswell)

I took inspiration from the recipe of broccoli brugers that are on veganmisjonen her blog (here is link to my blog that got link further to her blog haha).

Like always i didnt really measure good so i'll give an estimate ;)

0,5 broccoli, steamed/boiled
1 medium sized boiled potato
2 carrots, grated
1 vegetable stock cube
I think 1 dl oatmeal, or maybe it was 0,5 ;p
0,5 - 1 dl flour
1 tablespoon maizenna
Salt and pepper to taste (i only used pepper since the stock cube is already pretty salty)
Some vegetable oil to bake in

Chop the steamed/boiled broccoli and potato into pieces with a foodprocessor for example and might aswell add the vegetable stock cube here aswell so it is into pieces also (i tried to pulverize it a bit first). Then add the grated carrot (or if you have an awesome foodprocessor like mine, then grate it on top of the rest with the food processor ;D hehehe). Mix it nicely together and add the oatmeal, flour, maizenna, salt and pepper and mix it more nice together. I guess it's smartest to let it rest/cool a bit here, but i was too lazy so i just heated some vegetable oil in a pan and fried the burgers some minutes on each side until they were ready ^.^

Then munch munch time ;p (i ate it with mashed potatoes, salad and some vinaigrette made of mustard, vegetable oil, soyamilk and vinegar i think (the vinaigrette was gifted to me since i like it so much! ;D))

Now i'm empty of broccoli, might buy some more later this week though =p hehe