Monday, April 11, 2011

Buljong rice with fried vegetables

Finally a recipe that i made myself and didn't "steal" from someone else their blog lol xD Was kinda kev (my bf) who made it first but i'll just say its mine (since i make it the most rofl xD)

It can be made with different vegetables btw =p Like this time i added cauliflower, but normally i use without =p

Buljong rice with fried vegetables

Rice (normally i use 0,5 - 1 dl for each person)
Water (2* - 3* the amount of rice =p for 0,5 dl i used 1,5 dl water, but it doesn't have to be so accurate =p)
Vegetable buljong/stock =p (for making yummy rice =D)
Spinach (can be omitted =p i use frozen spinach btw for extra color of the rice, but kev doesn't like this so sometimes i skip the spinach =p xD)

Potato (i normally use 1 medium one for each person)
Carrot (again i use 1 medium one for each person, or so the potato-carrot ratio seems nice xD)
Broccoli (i add so its nicely color with the potato and carrot xD i guess maybe 1/4-1/8 of a broccoli?)
Onion (i guess 0,5/person)
Garlic (1 clove/person xD i love garlic! xD)
Basil spice =p
Soy sauce

Boil the rice with the water, buljong/stock and the spinach if you want it greenish untill rice is ready (i guess most need 15-20 min, if water dry up before its ready then add some more water =p).
The potato should be boiled, i normally use the microwave for this: i remove the outer layer of the potato and stab it a bit with a fork, then i put it on a plate and in the microwave for like 15-30 sec on each side on medium to high temperature (i don't put it in water, so i guess boiling is a wrong term?).
Cut the vegetables in pieces (like 1 cm cubes or bit less maybe) and fry them in oil =p I normally add them like they come and not all at the same time, so first carrot, then potato/broccoli, and then onion when the rest is almost done, and then garlic last =p
When all vegetables are added, then i spice it a bit with basil =p (<3 basil!!) Then tadaaaa ready ^.^ Then i put the rice and vegetables on my plate and add some soy sauce on top, then nom nom nom ^.^

On the pics i have cauliflower too, so if you want this in as well then just add it with the broccoli =p