Monday, April 25, 2011


Today i made another smoothie, with a bit different ingredients, so i thought i would post it ^.^

The stuff i used is: 2 bananas, 1 apple, 1 orange, frozen red currants (rips), ice cubes, water

The result was pretty sour, but yummy xD

Caramel semolina pudding

I wanted to make caramel pudding (for the first time) so i bought caramel sauce in the shop xD I found out i wanted to make the pudding with semolina, and not with corn starch like i normally make my puddings. It wasn't too bad actually, but it certainly needed caramel sauce on the top to make it taste like caramel pudding xD

Well, here's the recipe (with very unsure measurements since i didn't measure at all while making it!!):

Caramel semolina pudding

2 - 3 dl (vanilla) soymilk
~0,5 dl semolina
~0,5 dl caramel sauce

Heat the soymilk and semolina while constantly stirring. Add the caramel sauce. Let it boil for some minutes then remove from heat and let it cool a bit, then serve with caramel sauce on top ^.^ And if the measurements don't work out, then just add more of something till its good xD At the start the semolina wont be pudding-like at all, but when it boils it will become pudding xD I always do wrong here and add more semolina so it becomes "super-pudding" instead of normal pudding xD

Could be interesting to make "real" caramel pudding too, and not just from caramel sauce xD But that will be for another time =p

Fried potatoes with brussel sprouts and carrots

This recipe i have made myself ^.^ It's a bit different from the buljong rice with fried vegetables, but at the same time it's pretty similar ^.^ The vegetables you add can differ from what you want/have. I got empty of brussel sprouts for example, so i added broccoli instead (they got the same color =p). I think this recipe should be for around 2-3 persons, but could be im wrong.

Fried potatoes with brussel sprouts and carrots

4-6 medium potatoes
0,5 onion
6-10 brussel sprouts (or broccoli =p)
2 carrots
Soy sauce <3

Peel the potatoes, then boil them till they are ready. Cut the potatoes in smaller pieces and put them in a frying pan with oil and fry it a bit. Add onion, brussel sprouts (i use frozen), peas if you want (i use frozen) and let it get soft/unfreeze. Peel the carrots until whole carrot is just a bunch of peels. Mix the carrot peel with the rest and fry it a bit more. Serve with soy sauce and salt and pepper if you want it =p

Looking at the picture, i see no brussel sprouts actually, only broccoli, but the brussel sprouts are there too! xD

Thai tomatosoup

Recently i found a recipe on a blog that i wanted to try: Thai tomatosoup

This soup was very yummy, so i will make it again later ^.^

So ye, heres the recipe, translated by me, but not written by me =p Credit goes to the author of the recipe ^.^


Thailandsk tomatsuppe

1 onion
2 cloves garlic
some fresh ginger
1 box chopped tomatoes
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 box coconut milk
1 tablespoon sugar
some oil

* Chop onion, garlic and ginger and fry it for 5 minutes.
* Mix it with the rest of the ingredients, stir well, then let it boil (at this point the coconut milk gave me a huge urge to put curry in it as well, so i did that xD).
* When it just started boiling, pour the soup in a food processor until its smooth.
* Put the soup back in the pan and let it boil for 5 minutes. If the soup is too thick you can add some water.

Yammie! =D

Asparagus soup

Asparagus has been cheap lately so i bought some to make asparagus soup some days ago =D

The recipe i use i found in this book, and i have been making it many times! I make half of the recipe normally.

So heres the recipe. Credits goes to the author of the recipe ^.^

Asparagus soup

4 portions
450 g asparagus
3 tablespoons butter
6 shallots in slices (or normal onion)
1 tablespoon flour
6 dl vegetable stock or water
1 ss lemon juice
2,5 dl vegetable milk
1,25 dl vegetable cream (or just more milk, this is what i do =p)
Salt and pepper

Melt butter (or oil) and fry the onion for 2-3 minutes until its soft. Chop the asparagus, if you want the soup to look more "pro" (with decoration; like on the pic in the book) you can cut off the top and save it for later, but this is not necessary (i normally just use all in the soup). Add the asparagus in the soup and stir for about 1 minute. Add in flour and stir it for another minute. Add the stock along with lemon juice, and taste with salt and pepper. Let it boil for 15-20 minutes until the asparagus is tender. Cool down the soup a bit, then run it in a food processor. Put the soup back in the pan (you can sift out the pieces if you want that) and add with milk and cream and warm the soup, without it boiling. If you wanted the decorative tops of the asparagus, then melt the butter and fry the tops for 3-4 minutes until they are tender, and add them in the soup.

Enjoy ;)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Vanilla ice cream

Today i wanted to make vanilla ice cream again, since it was nice weather and sunny outside like if it is summer (i think its illogical to stay inside and cook for a whole day while its nice weather outside, but i got this urge today anyway xD) I heard it got nicer consistency if you mix it every 20 minutes or so, so i tried to do that. Still ended up a bit icy, but not too bad ^.^

So i used the recipe i found here for it =p All credits for the recipe goes to the author of the recipe like normal xD I copy - paste the recipe ^.^ The comments in the recipe is from the author btw, not from me xD I'll start doing my comments in cursive so its easier to separate xD

Vanilla Ice Cream!, really!


    3/4 cup nondairy milk (I use plain soy)
    1/4 cup salad oil (refined vegetable oil)
    4 tablespoons fructose (you can tell me if it works with other sugars too, haven't tried)
    8 drops vanilla extract


1. Put milk and vegetable oil in a blender.  Blend for 1 minute.

2. Put fructose into blender, and blend for 1 minute.

3. Pour into a container.  Add vanilla on top, and stir.  It should taste like melted ice cream at this point!

4. Put in freezer until desired consistency is reached.

When it's ready, the only difference is that there might be some ice shavings in the bottom, similar to what happens to ice cream when it unfreezes and freezes again.  You can try mashing it and re-freezing it.  But it tastes like regular vanilla ice cream to me, which means you can make recipes with it in place of ice cream.

Serves: 2, Preparation time: 10 minutes to make, a night to freeze

Can add other tastes in it as well, like banana, chocolate, strawberry, or anything you want ;)

Chocolate baked banana

I've been wanting chocolate baked banana for a while now, so today i made it. I didnt really follow any recipe, but it worked out well. I would prefer if my banana was a bit more "grilled" though, so i guess higher temperature or longer baking time would be better then.

So ye, slice a banana open, with scale or without, i did with. Add some (vegan) chocolate in the slice, then wrap in with aluminum foil and bake in oven till the chocolate is melted and the banana is baked. I baked it on 175°C  since i had apple cake in the oven on that temperature, but i think higher temperature is better, and i baked it for for 10-15 minutes i think (i didn't time it).

I think i will try it out more to get the banana more well-baked, but not today =p

Celery soup

I wanted to use celery in a recipe, so i searched on vegweb and found this recipe: Cream of Celery Soup

In the recipe it says to refrigerate overnight, but I'm waaayyy too lazy to do that, so i just skipped that part and continued to next point ^.^ It worked out well anyway =D Also i don't have parsley atm so i used a bit of leeks instead but i guess you can just skip it completely xD i also was using random amount of potions of the different ingredients xD (i wanted to make for 1-2 persons xD)

Well here's the recipe copy-pasted from vegweb where all credits goes to the author:

Cream of Celery Soup


     1 small onion, chopped (i used 0,5)
     olive oil, as needed
     1 bunch celery, chopped (i used 1,5 stalks)
     4 cups water + 1 veggie bouillon cube (i used 3 dl water or so)
     2 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped (i used 2 small potatoes)
     1 bunch fresh parsley, divided (i used 5 cm of leeks)
     2 cups nondairy milk (I use soy) (i used random amount without measuring, just poured in)
     salt and pepper, to taste (didnt add this xD)


1. In stock pot, add onion and sauté in a few tablespoons olive oil until soft. Add celery (including leaves) and sauté for a few minutes more.

2. Add water, veggie bouillon, potatoes, and approximately a dozen whole parsley sprigs.  Simmer covered for about 1 hour.

3. Let cool and refrigerate overnight. To finish soup, remove parsley sprigs and liquefy in food processor. Add milk and reheat slowly being careful not to boil, as it will separate the milk.

4. Add fresh chopped parsley, salt and pepper to taste.  Add more diced celery if you prefer more texture.

This soup is surprisingly flavorful for being so simple.  If you find you have a bunch of celery leftover from another recipe, this is great use for it.  The more celery you use in this soup the more celery flavor you will get.  You can make this soup without it resting overnight but the flavor will be weak.  Pairs nicely with crusty bread.

Serves: 4, Preparation time: 1 day

I will definitely make this again! =D

Friday, April 22, 2011


Yesterday i wanted smoothie, so i made it =p

In this smoothie i added 2 ripe bananas, 1 orange, some frozen blueberries (maybe 1 dl or so), some flax seed and some ice cubes for coldness =p It was very thick, but yummy ^.^ I kinda wanted to put apple in it too, but i was too lazy xD I think some more liquid in it would be good too, so it would be more "drinkable" =p

Smoothie is handy since you can add what you want/have in it =D I always use bananas in them though =p

Banana ice cream

I don't know where i found the recipe for this, but its extremely easy to make banana ice cream! xD

The only ingredient you need is a frozen ripe banana! xD (also some liquid is handy, for example soymilk or water)

So put the frozen banana in a blender/food processor (you can mix with other stuff too, like chocolate or nuts or whatever you want, add liquid also so it gets creamy) and mix till its creamy (my banana normally gets stuck to the edges if i dont use liquid, so i just end it there and let it melt a bit more  or use liquid, before i eat it full of chocolate sauce and caramel sauce xD njam! =p)

So if you got some ripe bananas, the freezer is the place they should be! =p or in one of the other cakes/cupcakes/breads/cookies! xD

Edit: I recently started adding liquid to the bananas in the food processor so it would rotate better and not just get stuck on the edges, and the consistency gets really great then! It's just perfect! =D I tested with soymilk and water, both works ^.^ Here's pic of ice cream like it's supposed to be! xD

I also once added soymilk and stawberry jam and got a creamy sauce-thingy tasting like strawberry cream or something xD Could be handy in case someone needs strawberry cream =p

Jam cookies

Some days ago i found a new blog, and i wanted to test out a recipe i found there: Jam cookies

I liked them a lot! =D I have no idea what shortening is though but i think its some kind of butter, so i used half oil, half apple sauce (jam) instead xD (i don't like using butter since its bit expensive xD and i saw someone use apple sauce instead of oil since its more healthy so i wanted to try that as well =p). Btw I'm lazy, so in my head 1 cup = 2 dl in all recipe i make, always works out well XD

So here's the recipe, copy-pasted from here. All the credits goes to the author of the recipe and not to me =p

This recipe is based on a thumbprint cookie recipe, and these cookies have become one of my favorites over the years. I like that they add a bit of natural color to the cookie tray.
  • 1/2 cup shortening (Spectrum’s Organic Palm shortening) (i used here 1 dl oil and 1 dl apple jam/sauce, remember all places where it says cups i translate 1 cup = 2 dl xD)
  • 1/4 cup organic brown sugar
  • 1 prepared EnerG egg replacer (i used "No-Egg" egg replacer since that's what they got in Norway)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup flour  (1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour and 1/2 cup white flour)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • jelly (i used strawberry jam, but other tastes would be yummy as well! =D)
Combine shortening, sugar, “egg,” and vanilla. Mix well. In a separate bowl, combine flours and salt. Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture and stir. Use your hands to further mix the dough. Roll the dough into 1″ balls and place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Press your thumb into the center of each cookie to make a well for the jam. Fill each cookie with about 1 teaspoon of jelly. Bake at 375ºF (=190°C) for 12-14 minutes until just barely starting to brown around the edges. Do not over cook. Cool for a few minutes on the cookie sheet, and then remove to cool on a cookie rack. Makes about 16 cookies. (i got 13 xD)

I will definitely make these again! =D

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pain au chocolat

My bf, kev, (and me) loves pain au chocolat and i had promised now for some days to make it for him so today i did =p

This recipe i found here (norwegian): Pain au chocolat

Its really easy to make it (if you got the frozen puff pastry that i have xD)

Btw heres the puff pastry i use, its 6 plates in it and its frozen =p

Here is what i used, more or less following the recipe:



One package frozen puff pastry, 6 plates, half-unfrozen (i guess you can use self made or other brand too =p)

100 - 150 g melted dark chocolate

1-2 tablespoons water

I cutted each puff pastry plate in 2 to get double amount of pain au chocolat (12 instead of 6!) ^.^ Then i stretched each part so they became bigger! =D Then i did some waters along the edges around the plates so they would stick better, but sometimes im too lazy to add water. Then i putted melted chocolate on one half of the puff pastry plate and folded the other half over it and squeezed the edges so they would stick together. Then i baked them in oven on 200°C for about 12 minutes or untill they got golden color.
Its funny how much they grew in the oven:

So ye, very simple and yummy! ^.^

Zucchini burgers

Today i wanted to make something (new) with zucchini for dinner since i have some zucchinis in my fridge, so i searched on the internet and found this recipe: Zucchini Patties that i found on vegweb.

I'm not so good on following recipes though, so i mixed it with the amazingly yummy mexican burgers from veganmisjonen her blog (the recipe is removed so i cant link to it anymore, but it kinda use beans and not zucchini).

The end result: Yummy!! =D

I didn't really measure carefully, its kinda like take what you got/want xD I guess this credit goes to the vegweb recipe, veganmisjonens recipe, and my mixing together skills xD

Zucchini burgers

0,5 - 1 grated zucchini (i had like 0,5 left)
0,5 - 1 onion, finely chopped (i used 0,5)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 box of mushrooms (fresh ones might work as well, or you can skip it completely or use more or less =p i only had boxed mushrooms, my boxes are pretty small btw)
0,5 box of corn (if you have/want/like it xD we had some (around 0,25 box) spare in the fridge so i just added it xD you can skip it aswell)
Some parsley, or in my case i used spring onion, or leek could work as well, or you can skip it xD (="green stuff" in the method below)
Dried oregano (and maybe some other spices if you like, for example basil, coriander, chili, paprika/bell pepper (i think actually fresh one would rock! xD), cumin, or other stuff, add what you have/want/like =p)
0,5 - 1 vegetable stock cube (i used 0,5)
Salt and pepper to taste
Oatmeal or bread crumbs (i used oat meal, i think maybe 0,5 - 1 dl depending on how wet your mix is, i didnt measure, i just added)
Flour (to make it stick together better, just add till its nice consistency)

Method (if its still needed since most of it is in my ingredient list Oo)
Add the grated zucchini, the chopped onion and the minced garlic together in a bowl and add the box of mushroom and the corn and the green stuff and the spices and the stock and the salt and pepper and mix together at the end or in between (i did in between =p). Add the oatmeal or bread crumbs and the flour until you got nice consistency. Fry them in a pan with oil on medium heat on both sides till they are ready ^.^


Since they were so yummy i ate almost all myself! xD But i guess its better sharing on 2 or more people, specially if you have a side-dish with it =p

I kinda liked it more with zucchini than with beans, since its more "fresh" taste then (if i remember correctly xD), so i think its time to put zucchini on my regular shopping list =p If you don't have zucchini you can use beans instead, for example kidney beans =p

Vegan lasagna

Some days ago i found a recipe of vegan lasagna here, so i wanted to test it out! I haven't eaten lasagna for some years now (except for a vegetable lasagna that kinda failed since it didn't taste so good xD), so it was cool tasting "normal" lasagna again! =D It failed a bit though since the lasagna plates weren't cooked good so they were still hard, so next time i will use more water in the recipe and hope they cook then, or cook them longer =p I also got empty of the white sauce at the end, so i had to make a bit more =p And i skipped the pine nuts, and added basil and oregano in the TVP mixture for more taste ^.^ (for those who don't know, TVP = textured vegetable protein, the kind i used was TVP mince which is mince consistency, but there are chunk(ball) consistencies also but i think mince fits the most in this recipe)

Here is the recipe copy-pasted (and changed some stuff) from Like a Vegan her blog, all credits goes to the author of the recipe and not to me since i just followed the recipe (more or less). Btw there's more cool recipes on the blog worth checking out i think =p

Meaty Lasagne

Difficulty: Medium
Serves Four

  • 2 1/2 cups TVP
  • 3 stock cubes (i used vegetable stock cubes ^.^)
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 small red onion, finely chopped (other colors should work aswell xD)
  • 2/3 to 1 large jar of tomato pasta sauce (+spices like oregano and basil if you want ^.^)
  • 1/3 cup vegan margarine/butter
  • 1/4 cup plain flour
  • 1/2 cup soy milk
  • 3 large sheets of instant lasagne (oh shit it needed to be instant? xD that explains why mine weren't cooked xD)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Handful of pine nuts (can be skipped =p)
  1. Preheat oven to 180°C
  2. Prepare the TVP as per packaging and crumble in the stock cubes, mix well.
  3. In a large frypan, fry the onion and garlic until onion starts to turn translucent.
  4. Add the TVP mixture and combine well, keep stirring over the heat for about 3 minutes.
  5. Throw in the pasta sauce, you should base how much you used on your personal preference. (and maybe some water also if your mixture is pretty "dry" =p)
  6. Set the TVP mixture aside and melt the margarine in the microwave.
  7. With a fork, whisk in the flour and microwave for a further 1 minute. (lol after 10-20 sec mine was boiling like hell, so be careful with this =p)
  8. Whisk in the soy milk until the sauce is creamy.
  9. Add salt and pepper to taste (add some garlic too if you’d like)
  10. In a greased 8×8 oven-proof dish, add a layer of the TVP mixture to the bottom followed by 1 1/2 of the lasagne sheets. Chuck a layer of white sauce, then more TVP, then lasagne, then TVP and finish it off with a nice thick layer of white sauce.
  11. Sprinkle with pine nuts and bake for about 20 minutes.

Hope you enjoy ;) i did for sure! xD Now gotta buy more TVP though, but i think i will test it out with red lentils maybe, that might work as well =p

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cauliflower-thingy xD

Last night i was fooling around on internet and i found this recipe: Raw cauliflower couscous

So for breakfast this morning i decided to make something similar since i had a cauliflower that needed to be used soon =p

The ingredients i used are:
Cherry-tomatoes (or normal ones)
Sun dried tomatoes
Zucchini (optional)
Soy sauce

But of course you can skip some ingredients or add some =p Use what you got ;)

I putted the cauliflower in the food processor until it has a couscous-like consistency (actually it was until the cauliflower stopped spinning rofl xD) Then i fried the zucchini a bit on each side in oil (i guess you dont need to do this if you like raw zucchini). Then i chopped the cucumber and tomatoes and salad and added everything on my plate and putted soy sauce on top ^.^

I forgot to take picture of the first plate, but plate 2 i remembered, but then i had no zucchini and salad left, but it was still yummy! =D maybe even more yummy =p I will definitely make this again if i have more cauliflower to be used ^.^

Fabulous cookies =p

Sunday i was at club with my friends, and i got an sms saying that i could bring some food it i wanted, and ofc i wanted so i decided to make cookies! =D

I use the recipe i found here, i recommend reading more of the blog also if you understand norwegian, or is interested xD I translate the recipe though, since it's original on norwegian =p All credits goes to the author of the recipe and not to me =p

Fabulous cookies

4 teaspoons "no-egg" (egg-replacer (powder))
6 tablespoons (90 ml) water
225 g vegan  margarine
150 g white sugar
170 g brown sugar
1 ts vanilla sugar
5,25 dl flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
100-200 g vegan chocolate, chopped
About125 g (hazel)nuts, chopped (i used almonds since i didnt have hazelnuts =p)

Set the oven on 190°C. First, whisk together no-egg and water until the mix gets a slightly thick consistency. Mix margarine, white sugar and brown sugar well together, and then add the no-egg mix. Then mix together flour, baking soda, salt and vanilla sugar, and add it gradually in the wet mix until it becomes a nice batter. Add the chocolate and nuts in the batter. Use a tablespoon and lay the batter as small medium-squeezed balls on the baking tray (they will get more flat during baking-time). Set the tray in the oven and let the cookies bake for about 8 minutes (more if you make them very big). Let them cool down before you start moving them, they are very soft when they come straight from the oven, but they get yummy and crispy when they cool down.


The cookies were a success! =D My friends asked for recipe, so here it is ;) Enjoy! =D

Apple cake

On Friday evening i made an amazingly yummy apple cake.

I found recipe here at veganeren her very nice blog (norwegian): Apple cake
The recipe is also available in english here: Apple cake

Since i actually followed the recipe theres no need to post my changes xD

Btw try to make this cake, its the best apple cake ever! <333

Enjoy ;)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Refried beans

Today i had pita with refried beans for dinner =p

For the refried beans i used this recipe: Refried beans from this blog: (many good recipes there! =D)

Since the recipe is on Norwegian i will translate it here. All the credits for this recipe goes to the creator, not to me =D

Refried beans
1 medium size chopped onion
2-3 chopped garlic cloves
1 box of kidneybeans in "sauce"/brine (the water they are in, don't do the water away =p)
Spices (for example cumin, pepper, chili, cayenne pepper, paprika, coriander, basil, oregano, salt, soy sauce, etc, whatever you want, this is what i used =p)

Fry the onion a bit in oil, then add the beans with sauce/brine and the spices and mix well. Let it boil for about 15 minutes until the water thingy is almost boiled away, then mash the beans a bit (not totally), and serve, for example with nachos or in pita/taco/tortilla etc, whatever you want.

Yammie! =D I will definitely make this again! =D

Banana bread

On wednesday evening/night i wanted to make banana bread since i had some very ripe bananas laying around, so i did xD I did not use nuts, and i used less sugar (1,5 dl brown sugar i think) and added a little bit of cinnamon =p And the cooking time is extremely boring if you put it in oven 00:30 and is sleepy xD So i recommend having it in the oven when its not in the middle of the night and you wanna go sleep ;D xD It was yummy though, so i think i will make it again, just need to get my bananas ripe enough rofl (and probably wanna test a different recipe then xD)

I used the recipe that i found here on vegweb (english): Banana bread

Here is what i used, more or less following the recipe from the link above.

2/3 dl soymilk + 1 teaspoon vinegar to make buttermilk, mix and set aside
3,5 dl flour
3 dl sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 dl mashed bananas (2 to 3 ripe bananas)
1 dl vegetable oil
2 - 3 tablespoons NoEgg powder mixed with about 5 spoons water

I mixed the try ingredients, and added the wet ingredients and mixed all. Then pour it in a bread pan and bake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes on ca 160°C.

I love bananas! My family think im crazy since i always buy bananas, even if we have like 3 kg at home already rofl, but theres so much they are used for, and most stuff require them to be ripe or over-ripe, and theres a problem most of them disappear/is eaten before getting ripe enough for baking xD

Stuff i use bananas for atm are: banana(soy)milkshake (specially chocobananasoymilkshake atm =p i will post pic/recipe later i think xD), various cakes/cupcakes/cookies/pancakes or other stuff =p, eating them like they are =p, icecream! xD (recipe will come later when i have enough ripe bananas for it, without making it into other stuff rofl xD). Theres also many other stuff i can use bananas for ;) So ye, bananas ftw!! =D

Monday, April 11, 2011

Buljong rice with fried vegetables

Finally a recipe that i made myself and didn't "steal" from someone else their blog lol xD Was kinda kev (my bf) who made it first but i'll just say its mine (since i make it the most rofl xD)

It can be made with different vegetables btw =p Like this time i added cauliflower, but normally i use without =p

Buljong rice with fried vegetables

Rice (normally i use 0,5 - 1 dl for each person)
Water (2* - 3* the amount of rice =p for 0,5 dl i used 1,5 dl water, but it doesn't have to be so accurate =p)
Vegetable buljong/stock =p (for making yummy rice =D)
Spinach (can be omitted =p i use frozen spinach btw for extra color of the rice, but kev doesn't like this so sometimes i skip the spinach =p xD)

Potato (i normally use 1 medium one for each person)
Carrot (again i use 1 medium one for each person, or so the potato-carrot ratio seems nice xD)
Broccoli (i add so its nicely color with the potato and carrot xD i guess maybe 1/4-1/8 of a broccoli?)
Onion (i guess 0,5/person)
Garlic (1 clove/person xD i love garlic! xD)
Basil spice =p
Soy sauce

Boil the rice with the water, buljong/stock and the spinach if you want it greenish untill rice is ready (i guess most need 15-20 min, if water dry up before its ready then add some more water =p).
The potato should be boiled, i normally use the microwave for this: i remove the outer layer of the potato and stab it a bit with a fork, then i put it on a plate and in the microwave for like 15-30 sec on each side on medium to high temperature (i don't put it in water, so i guess boiling is a wrong term?).
Cut the vegetables in pieces (like 1 cm cubes or bit less maybe) and fry them in oil =p I normally add them like they come and not all at the same time, so first carrot, then potato/broccoli, and then onion when the rest is almost done, and then garlic last =p
When all vegetables are added, then i spice it a bit with basil =p (<3 basil!!) Then tadaaaa ready ^.^ Then i put the rice and vegetables on my plate and add some soy sauce on top, then nom nom nom ^.^

On the pics i have cauliflower too, so if you want this in as well then just add it with the broccoli =p

Sunday, April 10, 2011


It took me a while to find out what to have for breakfast/dinner today, but i finally found out! =D Ratatouille! =D I think it's the first time i make this, but i've made minestrone soup before, which is somewhat similar i think =p

Some days ago i bought zucchini and eggplant since they were cheap (only 19 kr/kg! normally they are 30+ or 40+ xD), and i wanted to use something with these ingredients, so ratatouille is a perfect choice then ^.^

Well here's the recipe that i found on vegetarbloggen (norwegian): Ratatouille

I recommend you to check out more recipes from there aswell! =D

Here's what i did, more or less following the recipe (i also add some ingredients not in the original recipe):

1 garlic
0,5 onion
0,25 zucchini
0,5 red bell pepper
0,25 eggplant
0,5 carrot (or one small)
1 small potato
0,5 - 1 stalk of celery
Some olive oil
    5+ dl water + 1-2 vegetable stock cubes
    1 small box tomato paste/puree
    1 chopped tomato
    Around 1 teaspoon sugar
    Around 2 teaspoons vinegar
    Dried spices: basil, oregano, and whatever other spices i have and wanna add
    Salt and pepper

    Here is what i did:

    I cleaned the vegetables and cutted them in cubes, then i fried them in oil for some minutes until all was nice and shiny, then i added the stock, tomato puree, the chopped tomato and the spices and let it boil. Then i added the sugar and vinegar and let it boil more until the vegetables were tender. Then i added salt and pepper to taste.

    And the result:

    Yammie! =D

    I hope they will have zucchini and eggplant in promotion the following week too ;D

    Peanut caramel cake

    Yesterday i made this cake (peanut caramel cake):

    I found it on veganmisjonen her blog some weeks ago and i made it then and i loved it, so yesterday i wanted to make it again, but i had a problem that the recipe was removed from the blog (possibly it's in her book that i reccomend for everyone to buy!). Luckily i found an edited version on another blog (norwegian and english) so i could make it anyway! =D

    I will add a translated version of the recipe here in case someone else wanna make it =p All the credits for this recipe goes to I recommend checking out more of her recipes as well since they are very yummy ^.^

    Peanut-caramel cake:

    The cakedough:
    0,75 dl powdered sugar
    1,5 dl sugar
    1/2 teaspoon salt  
    100 g vegan butter/margarine
    4,5 dl flour (2,5 dl in first)
    1 teaspooon baking powder
    1 dl soymilk

    Peanut caramel mix:
    350 g peanutbutter (you can also make it yourself by adding normal peanuts in a blender or food processor or something till it becomes peanutbutter =p i did this =p it takes some minutes, so dont be impatient if it isnt creamy straight away =p)
    1 dl syrup (i use the cheap one, but its supposed to be agave syrup xD)
    1,5 dl water

    1. Set the oven on 200°C
    2. Mix powdered sugar, sugar and salt with (room temperatured) butter. Mix to a creamish thingy and add 2,5 dl flour.
    3. When you got a crumbly dough consistency, you set away 1 dl of the dough that you will use later as topping of the cake.
    4. Mix in baking powder, milk and the rest of the flour.
    5. Oil/butter a (pie) shape (about 25 cm in diameter) and press in the dough. (You can also skip to oil it, i forgot lol xD) Put in the oven on 200°C in about 15 minutes.
    6. While the cake is in oven you make the caramel mix: In a pan, mix water, syrup and peanut butter. Warm it carefully while you stir, you will see that the mix starts to become like soft caramel, and it will thicken and become darker. When it almost starts to boil, you remove it from the heat while you stir.
    7. Take the cake out of the oven and press down the parts that grew larger than the other parts. Stir out the caramel mix on the cake and add the remaining dough on top of the caramel mix. Bake in oven for 15 minutes more on 200°C (till the topping is golden).

    Tadaaaaa you got cake ^.^ 

    Warning: Not good cake for you if you follow low-carbo diet XDDDD

    Hope you enjoy ;D

    Saturday, April 9, 2011

    Twisted ancle xD and more =p

    This week on wednesday i twisted my ancle during aikido training (i fell wrong xD). I think it's the 2nd time that i twist my ancle/foot (first time was at school when i was 6-10 years old or so, so i dont remember much from it xD). It was a bit painful, but not so much, so i continued the aikido training like if nothing had happened xD The day after i went to school like normal and walk/run like i normally do, and when i came home, my ancle had grown (swollen up) ALOT xD it was just like a big big "balloon" xD Still not so painful, mostly annoying =p Friday the swelling got less again and today its even better so i think it will soon be fully cured =p I think it was a pretty light twist, but i dont really have alot of experience to compare with so i dont know =p This summer i twisted my tumb when i fell on the bike, and that was worse xD then i couldnt use the thumb like normal for some days/weeks and it was more painful xD

    Well, enough about twisting xD i just find it kinda fasinating to be (lightly) injured xD (says something about how little i got injured in the past xD)

    This week i found something vegan in shop that i havent eaten in a looooooooong time: Bourbon cookies!!! =D They used to have them on Lidl, and i loved them! But Lidl left norway many years ago =( The bourbon cookies i found was a bit different from the Lidl ones, but they were still yummy, but now i want the Lidl ones rofl xD Maybe time to do some internet shopping? xD

    These are the bourbons i bought =p about 10 kr for a package of 100g

     Today i made wok for lunch ^.^

    Its with random vegetables: carrot, broccoli, onion, cauliflower, celery, red pepper, zucchini, and noodles =p And then i add soy sauce for more taste ^.^ Yammie! =D

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Lol i started a blog xD

    I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now =p

    Stuff i wanna put on it is stuff about my life xD So its probably a boring blog to read rofl =p xD

    So ye, short about me, im a 21 year old norwegian, i study physics atm on university and i have a part-time job as replacement on foodshops called Rema1000, i play an online game called kalonline where im guildleader of the guild Elysium in the Naraeha server, i recently started training aikido, and im vegan and enjoy to cook xD

    But its pretty late now so i should go sleep, so the startpost is a bit short xD But hopefully i will add some more later =p

    Would be cool if i get some readers, but i guess we will see muahhaha xD

    Well, have a good night =p