Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year's Resolution

Maybe it's a bit late to post it now, but i'll do it anyway =p I guess it's kinda normal to find something you wanna change about your life for the new year, so i figured that i would do it as well =p

Since i probably wont be healthier in eating (im a food addict >.>) i decided to skip that as a new year resolution and rather train more =p

That isnt really that hard since my normal training in norway used to be running to the bus xD In the spring 2011 i also did aikido which is an awesome martial arts where the short version is that you throw people on the ground without hurting them in self defence =p Perfect for people who think martial arts are cool but dont wanna hurt anyone or get hurt by anyone or likes non-violence (like me) =p

So my plan now is to jog 30+ minutes or around 5 km +- 1 km almost every day =p

My condition is pretty bad atm since i get tired after very short time and have to walk then, but i hope to train that up so i can run for 10 minutes or more without breaks =D

Hope i can keep up the jogging through whole 2012 and the rest of my life =p

What are your new years resolution if you have any? =p Need some more comments on this blog, it looks so dead xD


  1. Go for 10km! Could be accomplished in less than a month if you train hard! Have you thought about swinging weights around?

  2. Since i come from almost no activity at all for many/all years i think i'll keep with 5 km for now, and slowly do more when i can reach my first goals =p 10 km i guess is bit too long atm since im not really used to being in any activity and i just started running a week ago and im still kinda lazy =p Maybe in some months though =D

    Weightlifting i dunno about but it would certainly look cooler with muscles instead of fat on my arms haha xD I dont have any weights though and i think they are expensive to buy so kinda hard then unless i find object around that i can lift @_@ Panlifting or so xD

    Thanks for comment btw!

  3. Lykke til med løpingen

  4. hvordan går det med trening? ;)

  5. Har fortsatt dàrlig kondis, men jeg hàper jo at det vil bedre seg ;p

  6. There's quite a lot of people that have accomplished from sitting around to 10km run in about a month, I'm sure you can do that too.

    Yeah, weights are expensive. You could always move car (truck) tires around, lifting them and flipping them over. Or tie them on your waist and run with them! LOL

  7. I think car tires might be expensive as well, and i cant really steal from cars either since they will be upset then if their tires are gone xD

    How should i train if i wanna do 10 km btw? =p

  8. Don't mechanics throw away tires? It usually costs them cash to do it. So if you ask them, they might give you some.

    There isn't an exact rule per se about training (although google tells you there's a few). Just listen to your body.

    I do like Bruce Lee's method when running though. He varies his pace throughout the session from jogging, running to sprinting in no particular order. I've did this for a few days, it kills.

    You might wanna do some squats watch:
    Running puts a lot of pressure on the knees, squats does strengthen the knees to a degree. ~50squats a day should be enough for the first few months.

    You might wanna have a rest day every few days, just so your body recovers. And most importantly eat well!

  9. I dont know about mechanics, but my bf said clearly no to take in dirty tires in the house xD He also dont think they give away tires for free.

    When i jog, i normally jog for a while then walk then jog then walk. If i jog faster i get faster tired and out of breath so i need to walk longer to get breath back, but i figured jogging slow makes me able to do for longer without getting out of breath and since i wanna jog for long time i guess slow is best to do =p

  10. Lol. I don't think anyone wants car tires in the home. Just leave it outside near your house. You won't know until you ask. The thing with jogging with a constant pace is that your body will get used to it, Not much benefits. varying the speed allows for more cardio training.

  11. Well i try to run bit faster sometimes until i get too tired =p But like i said somewhere, running 20 meter then take walking break because im too tired might not give the best results? xD (which is what happens when i try to keep a high speed)
