Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jelly with tumeric (!) sauce

Today when i went to jog my legs didnt wanna jog so i often took walking breaks, and during the walking breaks my legs were happy, but when i jogged they were not =/ So i was jogging superslow with many breaks xD Hope my legs are more happy again tomorrow though, cuz it was annoying to jog like that >.>

Last week i found yummy stuff on Lidl for only 50 cent each =D I bought these:

Those domino cubes were superyummy! Too bad they were sold out the next time i went on Lidl =/ Or maybe not that bad since then i eat less candy xD The chocolate covered marsipan was yummy aswell ofc =p But not as cool as the other one =p Everything gone/eaten in 2 days >.>

One day i also made jelly (i still got some packages from Norway, i dunno if they sell vegan jelly-powder in Belgium). I wanted to have it with vanilla sauce, but after using more than 50 g of vanilla sugar and it still didnt taste anything like vanilla i gave up and figured i'll make it yellow atleast with tumeric xD So ye, it got tumeric taste since i kinda did a bit much tumeric in xD So ye, if your vanilla sugar doesnt work, use tumeric instead to taste the sauce (if you like tumeric and want it yellow xD)

And here is the "vanilla"sugar you shouldnt buy since it doesnt taste like vanilla. I bet they just sell overpriced sugar even if the ingredient list says otherwise! I found it on Colruyt. (It was the cheapest one xD)


  1. Hvorfor ikke prøve ekte vanilje

  2. Kan prôve det neste gang hvis det ikke er for dyrt =p
