Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Last weeks random food

Last week i was lucky with the random number generator! All the food i made i liked extra much =p

This week i am less lucky since every dish contains rice except for a toast lol xD So will probably be a lot of rice this week xD

But ye, back to last week =p

First i had a moussaka with eggplant and lentils from donderdag veggiedag cookbook =p It was yummy =p I skipped the white (egg/cheese) sauce because i dont eat egg and cheese and i didnt wanna wait another hour for my dinner so i figured it was good enough to be eaten without =p

Then i had bonda (i've never heard of it before xD) from the gourmet book =p This i enjoyed very much!! It's a bit like samosa, so with potatoes and onion and spices with a flour-thingy surrounding it =p So i bet i will make this again more!! =D I just had it in a pan with oil instead of frying it though, and it worked fine! =p

Then i continued with potatogratin with spinach =p I was kinda surpriced how yummy this was!! I used coconut milk instead of cream and skipped the pine nuts and cheese. Luckily i tried to copy the picture by adding salad and tomato on it, since that made it extra yummy =p

Then i had creamy rice pudding from the vidunderlig vegetarmat cookbook. Was kinda annoying that i found out after i started on it that it needed to be 2,5 hours in the oven cuz i was already hungry @_@ I also used some coconut milk in this one even if it didnt say in recipe =p It's kinda different than other rice puddings since it got bit of lemon and nutmeg taste, and its baked in the oven and not in a pan =p

 Then the last day i had pasta and gnocchi (pasta with ovenroasted vegetables and tomatopesto) from the vegetarmat cookbook. This one was pretty yummy as well =D I used lasagne-pasta since i didnt feel like making my own, and i didnt have pine nuts so i used sunflower seeds in the pesto. I also didnt want to kill my basil plant so i used half dry and half fresh basil =p I also should have used more paprika xD The paprika kinda shrinked when i oven-roasted it xD

I didnt make couscous with tuttifrutti from the vegetarish cookbook since i have no idea what tuttifrutti is or where i can find it xD

Now i hope this week will be yummy as well xD Good thing i like rice @_@


  1. Det ser godt ut alt sammen. Kunne jeg fått oppskiften på Bonda? Pft.

    1. Ja jeg kan legge ut oppskrift =D Jeg tror bonda var min favoritt den uken =p Eller spinatgreien xD

  2. Tuttifrutti = fruktblanding

    1. Ah ja fant tuttifrutti her: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuttifrutti

      Er visst tôrket frukt med plomme, aprikos og eple. Kanskje de har det i butikkene her siden det var nederlandsk/belgisk kokebok, men jeg har ikke sett det fôr (men har ikke letet etter det heller) =p
