Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A little update

So ye, lately i started up the school semester where i'll be writing my master thesis, which hopefully will work out somehow. What i'm gonna work on is transport upscaling in fractured porous media.

So ye, porous media is a solid stucture with void or pores in between (sand, rock, sponge) where fluid can flow (water, oil, etc). So with geothermal energy, it's nice to know how the fluid is flowing and transporting heat in that porous media. The pores are pretty small though so it's impossible to calculate everything on the micro scale (it takes way too long time and often you don't know how things look like), so then we have to upscale and average over the grid blocks, which is what i will be working on. The porous media might also have large (or small) fractures in it where the fluid can flow faster (or if the fractures are filled with something with fewer pores it might flow slower) so i might add that into my model.

Two weeks ago i was at a GeoEnergy conferance here in Bergen hosted by CGER. It was quite interesting and we were served delicious food (atleast i got delicious vegan food =D).

The first day we went on a guided trip around old houses in the Bergen area. Here are some pictures:

I was just on top of that building!!!

Some old building

A rock!

Old rope building where they made ropes
2nd day there was conference in the day with many interesting presentations on geothermal energy, and in the evening we went on a mountain here called Fløyen where we ate dinner at Fløyen Folkerestaurant
For appetizer i got a salad with olives and different veggies, so it was pretty fancy =D
For main dish i got stuffed bell pepper which was yummy =D
And for dessert i got berries with strawberry coulis =D
I sadly dont have any pictures from the restaurant, but i have some from the mountain. It's really nice view from there =D
I also got a nice salad with lots of veggies and nuts for lunch at the conference =D

Day 3 there were some more presentations before it ended at lunch =p


  1. lykke til med masteroppgave :D! Jeg sliter fortsatt med min... hehe ;)

    1. Takk! Hvordan gàr det med din? Var det til jul du skulle levere?
