Sunday, April 15, 2012


I guess i should revive my blog since it's a handy tool for finding recipes that i like =p

Currently i live in Norway with my parents and brother and sometimes my sister lives here too, and i got myself a job at Right Price Tiles now where i sell tiles. It's a nice job, but i dont know too much about tiles so i often feel like i'm a bit misplaced when people want something i dont know.

I work full time, so i dont have much time for cooking or other things. Most of the time i get home at 21 or so, and then i dont really feel like cooking, so i binge on snacks instead >.> Luckily my mom sometimes has some meals ready for me when i get home so i get some warm dinners during the week =p Thanks mom! <3

At work we get fresh bread every day, normally one white and one brown. I usually eat the brown one with strawberry jam or sometimes with mustard and cucumber for breakfast and lunches at work =p

In august i plan to start studying again since i found no jobs that needed my bachelor in physics >.> Hopefully i get into the master program in renewable energy. I guess there might be some more jobs that want/need me then xD I'm fearing the master though, and i dont really want to study since i have no motivation to study, and i feel bad since im not studying while i know i should be studying, and i'm also forbidding myself from having fun since i should be studying =/ So basicly i'm wasting time doing nothing =/ But i guess i'll survive a master, just like i survived my bachelor -_-

If anyone wonder what to study, i reccomend to study something you have interests for where you can get a job after (unless you like to study or so, then you can choose whatever you wanna xD).
I feel my degree is kinda useless, so my options are:
1. Have a job where no degree is needed (easy to get).
2. Take a completely new degree in another subject (3+ years).
3. Build further with a master (2 years).
4. Search for a job that would want a bachelor in physics (hard to get).
I picked option 1 and 3 since they are the quickest =p And i guess it might sound more impressive with a master than with a bachelor =p


  1. Do you have to take a master course before a phd?
    Dr Navari sounds even more awesome. hahaha

    1. Yes, and phd sounds even more scary to study than master @_@ Maybe if i dont get a job with a master im forced to continue with phd ._.

    2. Haha hun ene i klassen min sin kusine måtte ta doktorgrad siden hun ikke fikk jobb med master, kanskje det skjer med deg og? :P

    3. Huff hàper ikke det >.>

  2. Yay you're back :D

  3. Good to have you back
