So yesterday we had a vegan italian potluck and movie event in my apartment. It was a great success! Except my celery instead of paprika swap that did in the lasagna i made haha xD but it turned out good anyway =D
The menu consisted of polenta with mushrooms, lasagna, foccaccia, pepperonata, gnocchi, and chocolate gelato =D <3 And kombucha to drink!
It all tasted very yummy! (I forgot to taste the kombucha haha)
The movie we watched was a famous Italian comedy called Quo Vado where part of it happened in Bergen Norway =D it was very funny =D
It's so cool with these stuffs happening in my apartment haha =D bringing people together, enjoying good food and having a good time!! =D <3
Monday, November 20, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Maybe i should start blogging again! xD
I kinda miss blogging. It's always too long between each time, and so much that is happening. I've now moved into my new apartment! It's awesome here and we host almost weekly some vegan potluck event in the apartment <3 Today is the next one with Italian themed potluck and we will watch an Italian movie! =D I live with two Italians btw =p They hate the way i make my pizza hahahah xD
So yesterday i was celebrating "natur og ungdom" (nature and youth?) turning 50 years. So i got free cake yaaayyy =D I'm not part of natur og ungdom, I'm not even youth age hahaha. But when i was invited to eat some free vegan food there's no reason not to join haha =p
Last weekend i had raw vegan weekend challenge! It went very good even though before i started i feared i would starve to death xD But i survived!! =D i loaded up on shitloads of dates (probably ate a kilo haha), and some bananas =p i also invited people to raw vegan potluck so i got to eat some more professional food also hahaha =p Apparently I'm not a good cook anymore xD
So last Sunday during the raw vegan weekend i made a new challenge for myself this week! It was no-shop-week on food and drinks xD So far it's gone very good! I've been missing shopping, but there's nothing specific i want or need to buy so no problem there xD I might have acquired some food in non-shopping ways though, such as dumpster diving, hinting to parents I'm out of carrots, and eating at other places than home where food was served to me on someone elses bill hahaha (like the natur and ungdom 50 year celebration) xD
Wonder what my next challenge should be =p
So yesterday i was celebrating "natur og ungdom" (nature and youth?) turning 50 years. So i got free cake yaaayyy =D I'm not part of natur og ungdom, I'm not even youth age hahaha. But when i was invited to eat some free vegan food there's no reason not to join haha =p
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Vegan cakes from Troll Donuts |
Last weekend i had raw vegan weekend challenge! It went very good even though before i started i feared i would starve to death xD But i survived!! =D i loaded up on shitloads of dates (probably ate a kilo haha), and some bananas =p i also invited people to raw vegan potluck so i got to eat some more professional food also hahaha =p Apparently I'm not a good cook anymore xD
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Raw cakes <3 |
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Raw food <3 |
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Raw salad <3 |
So last Sunday during the raw vegan weekend i made a new challenge for myself this week! It was no-shop-week on food and drinks xD So far it's gone very good! I've been missing shopping, but there's nothing specific i want or need to buy so no problem there xD I might have acquired some food in non-shopping ways though, such as dumpster diving, hinting to parents I'm out of carrots, and eating at other places than home where food was served to me on someone elses bill hahaha (like the natur and ungdom 50 year celebration) xD
Wonder what my next challenge should be =p
Monday, May 8, 2017
Bergen City Marathon 2017 (5 km)
So a couple of months ago i signed up for Bergen City Marathon 2017 for the 5 km run :D It's something i've always wanted to do, but i haven't done before =p
My plan was to train for it, but i got kinda depressed and lazy so that didn't happen. So with barely any training, and eating lots of junk food (cookies ftw xD), i thought i would end up like half an hour after the previous one passing the finish line and that i would walk the whole way xD
It was perfect weather! =D Sunny with some clouds and medium temperature =D I was dressed in tights and a thin sweater =p
We had some warming up at the starting area, doing different exercises. I got out of breath and pain in my stomach and even managed to fall, so that wasn't a good sign for the 5 km running that was coming up xD
We were about to start and i went in the back, expecting everyone to storm off in front of me xD So when we started most people around me were walking. And we were kinda many people also so i walked too. The real start wasn't until later anyway, but after a while before the real start i figured it would be too stupid to walk so i started jogging =D That went kinda fine so i continued jogging =p And continued xD And continued xD So i jogged the whole time except for uphill because i didn't want to be completely exhausted from uphill running, and because the people in front of me were walking and it would be stressy for me to run in front of them xD The path was kinda flat also with not many uphills, only like two or so, and the uphills were small =D
Seems i had overestimated the condition and speed of other people, and underestimated my own speed and endurance, since i noticed i ran past people. Some people also ran past me, but i ran past more people =D I give credit to my vegan powers, going from zero to hero it felt like =D
So after running for a shorter time than expected (32 minutes 12 seconds!!!) i reached the finish line!! =D And i also wasn't super tired!!! =D I had jogged pretty slow but consistently, because i didn't want to go all out and end up dying in the middle of the road xD (some people were actually dying in the middle of the road! =o). I also didn't know how much energy i needed to save for later, so i figured it was better to have too much energy at the finish line than to not reach the finish line because of exhaustion =D
I was kinda surpriced at how quick i was xD my estimated time before i started was 1 hour xD so it was cool to finish in a bit more than half and hour and to actually jog almost the whole way! =D
After reaching the finish line i got some orange pieces and water there and then i went with my parents to get something to eat. I wanted a burrito from Los Tacos because that sounded healthy haha xD It was very yummy! =D
It was fun to participate in a race so i wanna do that again! =D 5 km is the best distance for me atm, since i don't practice or anything, and my endurance is bad xD I actually signed up for another race tomorrow! BDO-mila 5 km =p That one is in the forest and is quite nice =D I joined it last year also =D I hope the weather won't be too bad though =p I expect to run the distance slower than in Bergen City Marathon because of more uphills, but it' only for fun anyway and the most important for me is to have fun and reach the finish line and not to run superfast, even if i eventually want to be able to run 5 km in less than 30 minutes! =D
My plan was to train for it, but i got kinda depressed and lazy so that didn't happen. So with barely any training, and eating lots of junk food (cookies ftw xD), i thought i would end up like half an hour after the previous one passing the finish line and that i would walk the whole way xD
It was perfect weather! =D Sunny with some clouds and medium temperature =D I was dressed in tights and a thin sweater =p
We had some warming up at the starting area, doing different exercises. I got out of breath and pain in my stomach and even managed to fall, so that wasn't a good sign for the 5 km running that was coming up xD
We were about to start and i went in the back, expecting everyone to storm off in front of me xD So when we started most people around me were walking. And we were kinda many people also so i walked too. The real start wasn't until later anyway, but after a while before the real start i figured it would be too stupid to walk so i started jogging =D That went kinda fine so i continued jogging =p And continued xD And continued xD So i jogged the whole time except for uphill because i didn't want to be completely exhausted from uphill running, and because the people in front of me were walking and it would be stressy for me to run in front of them xD The path was kinda flat also with not many uphills, only like two or so, and the uphills were small =D
Seems i had overestimated the condition and speed of other people, and underestimated my own speed and endurance, since i noticed i ran past people. Some people also ran past me, but i ran past more people =D I give credit to my vegan powers, going from zero to hero it felt like =D
So after running for a shorter time than expected (32 minutes 12 seconds!!!) i reached the finish line!! =D And i also wasn't super tired!!! =D I had jogged pretty slow but consistently, because i didn't want to go all out and end up dying in the middle of the road xD (some people were actually dying in the middle of the road! =o). I also didn't know how much energy i needed to save for later, so i figured it was better to have too much energy at the finish line than to not reach the finish line because of exhaustion =D
I was kinda surpriced at how quick i was xD my estimated time before i started was 1 hour xD so it was cool to finish in a bit more than half and hour and to actually jog almost the whole way! =D
After reaching the finish line i got some orange pieces and water there and then i went with my parents to get something to eat. I wanted a burrito from Los Tacos because that sounded healthy haha xD It was very yummy! =D
It was fun to participate in a race so i wanna do that again! =D 5 km is the best distance for me atm, since i don't practice or anything, and my endurance is bad xD I actually signed up for another race tomorrow! BDO-mila 5 km =p That one is in the forest and is quite nice =D I joined it last year also =D I hope the weather won't be too bad though =p I expect to run the distance slower than in Bergen City Marathon because of more uphills, but it' only for fun anyway and the most important for me is to have fun and reach the finish line and not to run superfast, even if i eventually want to be able to run 5 km in less than 30 minutes! =D
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Trip to London 2017
Now I'm recently back from a trip to London. I staid there Monday to Friday, which was a good amount of time. Of course i didn't get to explore the whole town because it's huge, but i think i saw some of the most important stuff at least =D
To get from the airport i took the easyBus option, which was the cheapest option, but took longer time. There are also trains you can take for a faster and more comfortable option.
I read a bit on the bus, and after a while i napped a bit, until we came into town where the traffic was slow and unsmooth. Then i took the underground to Edgware Road and walked to the hotel.
My hotel was Winrose Hotel in Sussex Gardens near Edgware Road underground station. I had a nice small room at the top floor with a single bed and a sink. The toilet was in the hallway, shared with the other residents which was totally fine for me. Outside my room was a road with traffic, so it was noisy when the window was open. In London there are many cars and sirens, so not so fun with all that noise xP The hotel had horrible WiFi, so the first few hours i just tried to surf on the internet, but it was really annoying when the internet fell out every 5 sec for two minutes. I ended up buying WiFi access from the hotel next door for my stay to be manageable xD (ssssh don't tell them i told this xD)
The street outside the hotel was a middle eastern street with lots of middle eastern shops and restaurants.
A friend came with me to London. We went out to eat at an Indian restaurant. The food there was disappointing. Just some small potatoes with some kind of filling. So we bought some snack in the shops and went back to the hotel for the night.
The next day we went on exploring trip headed towards Big Ben. We started down the middle eastern road, through Hyde Park, then somewhere we went the wrong way and ended up on Piccadilly Circus xD I was the map reader so we can blame me xD
From Piccadilly Circus we found the national gallery. Then we found Big Ben finally after the detour!
We then went over the bridge to the other side where London Eye was. We also found London Dungeon that some people had recommended to visit, although we didn't enter this day =p
At this point we were hungry so we looked around for a place to eat (and got fascinated by a street artist so we stood looking at him for like half an hour xD). I found a Latin American place on happycow where i wanted to eat, but i couldn't find it in real life, so we ended up eating at Wagamama. We ordered some curry soup with tofu, noodles and veggies (yes both ordered the same without agreeing on it beforehand xD). It wasn't my favorite meal, but it was ok. Wouldn't order it again though xP
After eating we headed back north, somehow ending up in Chinatown and some other places, before finding the hotel. I was tired from walking so i chilled, watching 13 reasons why on Netflix, which is a very good and interesting series about the reasons why a girl on a high school took her own life.
Next day i walked a bit around before my friend woke up. Seems i found Paddington not too far from the hotel. When my friend was also awake we headed to Madam Tussaud where we looked at the wax figures and took pictures with them. I met very many famous people that day haha xP The place was crowded with people x) I was surpriced how many different sections there were. Moviepeople, musicpeople, politicians, historic people, sportpeople, marvelpeople, starwarspeople, etc =D kept us busy for quite some hours xD
After Madam Toussaud we ate at Zizzi's, which is a pizzachain. There they had vegan pizza with vegan cheese =D I also wanted dessert but the pizza was too big and filling so i didn't order. Sadly i didn't make it to a Zizzi's again before i left so i never got to taste the dessert =(
After eating my friend wanted to go to the Sherlock Holmes museum. I'm not that into Sherlock Holmes, and i was tired, so i decided to go back to the hotel to rest a bit. After resting for a while with netflix and 13 reasons why i went back outside to the park. There i read a bit in the book i brought, Linnea Myhre - Hver gang du forlater meg, and walked around in the park. It was a very large park, and i only saw a little part of it. Then it got dark and i went back to the hotel for the night =)
This day i also had time to walk around before my friend woke up. It was beautiful sunny weather =D We then went with the underground to London Dungeon. It was a lot of people in there, so we had to wait like an hour to get in. After going in we had to wait even more xP Then we walked with a large group of people and saw/experienced different settings. It was interesting, but a bit crowded xP
It was kinda nice to get outside again after it was done. The sun was still shining. I wanted to see tower bridge so we headed east along the river. Getting hungry, i started scouting happycow for a place to eat. We had found a greek place when i notice Big V on the app not too far away. Burger was more tempting so we went to try to find it. We found more or less the location with many sale stations on Borough market, but no Big V. After searching the place i found out it wasn't there, so we might as well move on, so we continued walking. Then i found a little street that seemed tempting to check out, so we went in there. There we found Big V, but they were closing down and sold out, so we couldn't buy burgers =( luckily they had some left over veggies we could eat, so we didn't have to walk around hungry anymore! =D
We then continued to Tower Bridge and finally found it!! =D I also found some cool looking buildings xD
Next stop on things to see was Buckingham Palace in a different part of London. I kinda wanted to take a double decker bus, so we jumped on the first that passed, not knowing where it would take us xD All i knew was we needed to go to the right. The bus turned left after a short while, so kinda wrong direction. We went off the bus, and i looked up on google maps how to get to the right place. We then took a normal bus to Victoria Station and walked from there =)
Then double decker bus back to the hotel and chill =D
Next day was the day to leave London. I woke up at 5 local time and couldn't sleep again, so i watched the rest of 13 reasons why. After some hours my friend woke up too. My friend left London first. My plane was in the evening so i walked around in the warm sunshine, dragging on my luggage, doing the last bit of exploring London.
I took the underground to Kings Cross Station and went to Vx, a vegan shop/cafe!! =D There i ordered wrap, round donut filled with jam, and a cupcake that i ate outside in the sunshine =D everything was super delicious!! =D i also bought some food to bring with me to Norway.
Then i went to Tesco and bought 18 packages with Bourbon cookies!! xD Luckily they fit into my luggage xD
Because it was so nice weather and i was kinda tired i went to some small park and rested/napped. I then went to another park and listened to music. Then i went back to the Kings Cross Station and found platform 9 3/4 from Harry Potter and a Harry Potter shop!! Kinda cool, but didn't buy anything xP
I then went to yet another small park and chilled for a bit and tried to recharge my phones using my laptop xD After a while i remembered i needed to get to the airport. My plan was with easyBus again so i rushed to Victoria station and tried to find the bus stop. With no luck. I called my parents in panic since it was 8 minutes to the bus went and i couldn't find it! The conclusion was to take the Gatwick Express train instead so i would have better time and didn't have to stress =p It was cheaper than i thought also, and very easy to use, so I'm kinda happy i didn't find the bus xD
After arriving at the airport i checked in, found some food to eat, and went to the gate. Then flying back to Norway, to the cold, dark, rain. And to my family who had missed me =)
To get from the airport i took the easyBus option, which was the cheapest option, but took longer time. There are also trains you can take for a faster and more comfortable option.
I read a bit on the bus, and after a while i napped a bit, until we came into town where the traffic was slow and unsmooth. Then i took the underground to Edgware Road and walked to the hotel.
My hotel was Winrose Hotel in Sussex Gardens near Edgware Road underground station. I had a nice small room at the top floor with a single bed and a sink. The toilet was in the hallway, shared with the other residents which was totally fine for me. Outside my room was a road with traffic, so it was noisy when the window was open. In London there are many cars and sirens, so not so fun with all that noise xP The hotel had horrible WiFi, so the first few hours i just tried to surf on the internet, but it was really annoying when the internet fell out every 5 sec for two minutes. I ended up buying WiFi access from the hotel next door for my stay to be manageable xD (ssssh don't tell them i told this xD)
The street outside the hotel was a middle eastern street with lots of middle eastern shops and restaurants.
A friend came with me to London. We went out to eat at an Indian restaurant. The food there was disappointing. Just some small potatoes with some kind of filling. So we bought some snack in the shops and went back to the hotel for the night.
The next day we went on exploring trip headed towards Big Ben. We started down the middle eastern road, through Hyde Park, then somewhere we went the wrong way and ended up on Piccadilly Circus xD I was the map reader so we can blame me xD
From Piccadilly Circus we found the national gallery. Then we found Big Ben finally after the detour!
We then went over the bridge to the other side where London Eye was. We also found London Dungeon that some people had recommended to visit, although we didn't enter this day =p
At this point we were hungry so we looked around for a place to eat (and got fascinated by a street artist so we stood looking at him for like half an hour xD). I found a Latin American place on happycow where i wanted to eat, but i couldn't find it in real life, so we ended up eating at Wagamama. We ordered some curry soup with tofu, noodles and veggies (yes both ordered the same without agreeing on it beforehand xD). It wasn't my favorite meal, but it was ok. Wouldn't order it again though xP
After eating we headed back north, somehow ending up in Chinatown and some other places, before finding the hotel. I was tired from walking so i chilled, watching 13 reasons why on Netflix, which is a very good and interesting series about the reasons why a girl on a high school took her own life.
Next day i walked a bit around before my friend woke up. Seems i found Paddington not too far from the hotel. When my friend was also awake we headed to Madam Tussaud where we looked at the wax figures and took pictures with them. I met very many famous people that day haha xP The place was crowded with people x) I was surpriced how many different sections there were. Moviepeople, musicpeople, politicians, historic people, sportpeople, marvelpeople, starwarspeople, etc =D kept us busy for quite some hours xD
After Madam Toussaud we ate at Zizzi's, which is a pizzachain. There they had vegan pizza with vegan cheese =D I also wanted dessert but the pizza was too big and filling so i didn't order. Sadly i didn't make it to a Zizzi's again before i left so i never got to taste the dessert =(
After eating my friend wanted to go to the Sherlock Holmes museum. I'm not that into Sherlock Holmes, and i was tired, so i decided to go back to the hotel to rest a bit. After resting for a while with netflix and 13 reasons why i went back outside to the park. There i read a bit in the book i brought, Linnea Myhre - Hver gang du forlater meg, and walked around in the park. It was a very large park, and i only saw a little part of it. Then it got dark and i went back to the hotel for the night =)
This day i also had time to walk around before my friend woke up. It was beautiful sunny weather =D We then went with the underground to London Dungeon. It was a lot of people in there, so we had to wait like an hour to get in. After going in we had to wait even more xP Then we walked with a large group of people and saw/experienced different settings. It was interesting, but a bit crowded xP
It was kinda nice to get outside again after it was done. The sun was still shining. I wanted to see tower bridge so we headed east along the river. Getting hungry, i started scouting happycow for a place to eat. We had found a greek place when i notice Big V on the app not too far away. Burger was more tempting so we went to try to find it. We found more or less the location with many sale stations on Borough market, but no Big V. After searching the place i found out it wasn't there, so we might as well move on, so we continued walking. Then i found a little street that seemed tempting to check out, so we went in there. There we found Big V, but they were closing down and sold out, so we couldn't buy burgers =( luckily they had some left over veggies we could eat, so we didn't have to walk around hungry anymore! =D
We then continued to Tower Bridge and finally found it!! =D I also found some cool looking buildings xD
Next stop on things to see was Buckingham Palace in a different part of London. I kinda wanted to take a double decker bus, so we jumped on the first that passed, not knowing where it would take us xD All i knew was we needed to go to the right. The bus turned left after a short while, so kinda wrong direction. We went off the bus, and i looked up on google maps how to get to the right place. We then took a normal bus to Victoria Station and walked from there =)
Then double decker bus back to the hotel and chill =D
Next day was the day to leave London. I woke up at 5 local time and couldn't sleep again, so i watched the rest of 13 reasons why. After some hours my friend woke up too. My friend left London first. My plane was in the evening so i walked around in the warm sunshine, dragging on my luggage, doing the last bit of exploring London.
I took the underground to Kings Cross Station and went to Vx, a vegan shop/cafe!! =D There i ordered wrap, round donut filled with jam, and a cupcake that i ate outside in the sunshine =D everything was super delicious!! =D i also bought some food to bring with me to Norway.
Then i went to Tesco and bought 18 packages with Bourbon cookies!! xD Luckily they fit into my luggage xD
Because it was so nice weather and i was kinda tired i went to some small park and rested/napped. I then went to another park and listened to music. Then i went back to the Kings Cross Station and found platform 9 3/4 from Harry Potter and a Harry Potter shop!! Kinda cool, but didn't buy anything xP
I then went to yet another small park and chilled for a bit and tried to recharge my phones using my laptop xD After a while i remembered i needed to get to the airport. My plan was with easyBus again so i rushed to Victoria station and tried to find the bus stop. With no luck. I called my parents in panic since it was 8 minutes to the bus went and i couldn't find it! The conclusion was to take the Gatwick Express train instead so i would have better time and didn't have to stress =p It was cheaper than i thought also, and very easy to use, so I'm kinda happy i didn't find the bus xD
After arriving at the airport i checked in, found some food to eat, and went to the gate. Then flying back to Norway, to the cold, dark, rain. And to my family who had missed me =)
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
New gym at fanatorget!! :D
I'm still inactive here, I've been a bit down lately, but I'll manage and hopefully feel better eventually =p
Today is the first day I've biked to job for an eternity!!! My condition has worsened and so has my leg muscles i feel xD After i injured my leg and maybe fucked it up more by biking i kinda didn't wanna fuck it up more by biking more xP and then it was cold and rainy and it didn't tempt to bike then either, and i was often driving to my bf who lives a bit too far away to bike xP but hopefully now it will be nicer weather soon so more biking. Or I'll have to learn to bike in cold and rainy weather again xD
I also wanna start running again. I never got good at it before though, but it's something i wanna be good at. To run for like half an hour in ok speed without dying, instead of running for 30 seconds and be totally out of breath xP
In the end of November I joined the Nr1 Fitness gym again. I try to follow a transformation program on; jamie easons livefit trainer. I now lay like 6 weeks behind it feels, having more free days than i have training days because I'm lazy or don't have time or i find something else to do xP They recently opened a gym at Fanatorget though and it's close to home so i hope to get some more training done then so i become strong, sexy and fit =D
I work less now so i should have more time for other stuff (and less money :x). If anyone wanna hang just tell me, I'm not good at initiating social stuff xP
One of my plans this year is to get my own apartment and move out =D I hope i find a nice and reasonably priced one xP Preferably big and with several bedrooms so i can have couch-surfing guests over cuz i always wanted to do that and my mom would never allow it in my parents house xD We'll see how it goes =D
I hope 2017 will be nice at least =D
Today is the first day I've biked to job for an eternity!!! My condition has worsened and so has my leg muscles i feel xD After i injured my leg and maybe fucked it up more by biking i kinda didn't wanna fuck it up more by biking more xP and then it was cold and rainy and it didn't tempt to bike then either, and i was often driving to my bf who lives a bit too far away to bike xP but hopefully now it will be nicer weather soon so more biking. Or I'll have to learn to bike in cold and rainy weather again xD
I also wanna start running again. I never got good at it before though, but it's something i wanna be good at. To run for like half an hour in ok speed without dying, instead of running for 30 seconds and be totally out of breath xP
In the end of November I joined the Nr1 Fitness gym again. I try to follow a transformation program on; jamie easons livefit trainer. I now lay like 6 weeks behind it feels, having more free days than i have training days because I'm lazy or don't have time or i find something else to do xP They recently opened a gym at Fanatorget though and it's close to home so i hope to get some more training done then so i become strong, sexy and fit =D
I work less now so i should have more time for other stuff (and less money :x). If anyone wanna hang just tell me, I'm not good at initiating social stuff xP
One of my plans this year is to get my own apartment and move out =D I hope i find a nice and reasonably priced one xP Preferably big and with several bedrooms so i can have couch-surfing guests over cuz i always wanted to do that and my mom would never allow it in my parents house xD We'll see how it goes =D
I hope 2017 will be nice at least =D
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