Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Product review: Cookies with oat flakes

Yesterday i was wandering around in one of the Delhaize shops here in Belgium and I saw a kind of cookie i haven't seen there before; koekjes met havermoutvlokken (cookies with oat flakes), so i decided to test it out. I had a feeling it might be something like a vegan cookie i love from Norway called Bixit, since they both had similar ingredients and looks. It seems i was right, it tasted just like i remember Bixit tastes like. The size of the cookies differed a bit from Bixit (slightly larger and thinner), but that's no problem, it's the taste that matters ;) They were 1.99 € for 425 g in Delhaize, which is a nice price, and you get a good amount for the money.

These cookies contains oats and whole wheat flour, which is a nice source of fiber. This they promote on more or less all 4 sides of the box. It does also contain sugar and fat though, so it's not health-food, but maybe a healthier cookie-alternative?

The taste is sweet, grainy and a bit salty (and you can also taste the fat if you try to), and it seems like there's pieces of sugar, oats and salt that you encounter while eating these cookies, instead of it all being blended up into a homogenous mass. This makes the cookies more exciting to eat. The cookies are so sweet that they don't seem healthier, and maybe they aren't either if they have more sugar and fat than other cookies xD The pieces of oats helps with chewing resistance which is nice. These cookies would be nice to bring as a snack for outdoor trips, like walking, hiking, jogging or biking.

Since i often do the "let's try to be a bit healthier by adding whole grains, and try to forget about the amount of unhealthy stuff we add", these cookies are definitely within my way of doing things. They are also cheap, which is a bonus since i'm not really the richest person =) And of course yummy, which is quite important =D I'm happy to have found this vegan cookie in Delhaize. I feel that Norway has more availability of vegan cookies than Belgium (thanks to Sætre!), so it's nice to have found another cookie here that is vegan, especially since it taste like Bixit =D Will buy again if i find and if i feel like cookies xD i'm trying to be healthier, so shouldn't buy too often though xD