Thursday, February 27, 2014

My dinner today - veggieballs

Today for dinner: veggieballs (from *norwegian*) with salad, tzatziki and oven roasted cherry tomatos (on 200°C for i dunno how long xD). 

Quite yummy =)

Monday, February 10, 2014


Yesterday (9th February) was mothers day in Norway, so i decided to do something nice for my mother =p

When me and my sis and bro were kids we used to give breakfast on bed for this occasion (if i remember correctly xD). Last years though she normally wakes up before us so then it's a bit harder xD

This year i wanted to surprise her with breakfast though so i putted my alarm at 7:30 (but i woke up before 7 xD) and made pancakes (with this recipe from vegetarbloggen *norwegian*). That's my favorite pancake recipe. I replaced half of the flour with whole wheat flour, and i used only half of the sugar, so it would be a bit healthier =p

I figured it would be a bit awkward though if i went into her room with food while she was sleeping, so i cleaned the kitchen a bit instead and made it a bit cozy. Then when she and my dad came, we enjoyed pancakes for breakfast ^.^ (my sister and brother were sleeping so i didn't make for them xD). I forgot to take pictures of the pancakes, but they looked more or less like pancakes xD

Then later i made pineapple upside down cake (recipe from veganeren *norwegian*) and peanut butter cookies with chocolate pieces (recipe also from veganeren *norwegian* who got her recipe from theveganzombie here *english*).

I also had a blueberry banana ice cake in the freezer (basically frozen bananas blended to cream, then frozen blueberries added, followed by some soaked almonds and dates and a bit of vanilla sugar, blended good, put in cake shape and stored in freezer).

Everyones favorite was the pineapple upside down cake. It was really fresh and tasty and so easy to make! I will definitely make it again! :D

The peanut butter cookies with chocolate pieces were also pretty good :p they kinda tasted just like they sound like xD So if you like peanut butter and cookies you will like these cookies :D

The blueberry banana ice cake was nice as well xD This one is more healthy and could probably have a bit better taste xD Actually it is so healthy that you can eat it for breakfast every day without feeling guilty xD It is practically a frozen smoothie, and it can be made with infinite varieties and can be made raw xD

We kids also gave my mom an orchid flower since she likes them :D

So i hope it was a nice day for her =)